Nashisht - An Assembly of Poetry Enthusiasts

Nashisht – An Assembly Of Poetry Enthusiasts in Pune

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It’s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that’s what the poet does.”
– Allen Ginsberg

A still from one of our previous events

The Poetry cosmos is an open forum for all poetry lovers from and outside Pune to discuss poetry in general.
We invite poets and listeners of Urdu, Hindi, English, Marathi poetry. Join in, lose yourself to the magical spell of words and create a symphony – contribute your part in Pune Poetry Circuit.

When? 18th February 2023 | Saturday | 5 PM

Where? Nana Nani Park, Singhagad Road, Pune

Lets Meet!

The Poetry Cosmos welcomes all people who want to learn more about literature, no matter their age, experience, or education. We believe in the innate creativity of all people by encouraging and fostering experimentation and innovation. We invite everyone who values arts and culture to explore the written word. Click here to join our community.