
Nashisht : An Assembly of Poetry Enthusiasts

On the 29th of July, prepare to immerse yourself in a gathering that celebrates the beauty and power of poetry, art, literature, theatre, cinema, and beyond. Nashisht, a captivating event, invites you to join a community of like-minded individuals who revel in the depths of creative expression and the art of conversation.

“Nashisht” brings together individuals who share an insatiable passion for poetry and artistic exploration. The event is open to poets, writers, artists, and anyone with an appreciation for the beauty of language and the boundless creativity it offers. This unique gathering will serve as a melting pot of diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and cultures, fostering an environment that encourages free expression and open dialogue.

Indulge in the mesmerizing aura of Nashisht, where creative minds converge to share their thoughts, insights, and inspirations. Engage in captivating discussions with fellow attendees, explore the nuances of artistic expression, and ignite the flames of your own creativity.

Join us on the 29th of July as we weave together the threads of creativity, conversations, and opinions at Nashisht. Be a part of this extraordinary meet-up that transcends boundaries and inspires new perspectives.

Register now to secure your place among fellow poetry, art, literature, theatre, and cinema enthusiasts at Nashisht. Together, let us celebrate the transformative power of conversations and opinions in an event that promises to be an unforgettable exploration of the human creative spirit. The entry is open to all, without any charges.

When : 29th July 2023, 5:00 PM Onwards

Where : Kalasseeum Pune (https://goo.gl/maps/CuU3HkxUUPEhZDy98)

Registration Link: https://thepoetrycosmos.com/join-our-community/

The Poetry Cosmos welcomes all people who want to learn more about literature, no matter their age, experience, or education. We believe in the innate creativity of all people by encouraging and fostering experimentation and innovation. We invite everyone who values arts and culture to explore the written word. Click here to join our community.

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